Friday, September 21, 2007

Our little bully...

After reading the posts on our blog, you may have the perception that Gracie is a cute, sweet, gentle little princess! Well do I have news for turns out that our little toe-head is somewhat of a bully at school!

While it's been a long time since she has picked on her friends at school, today Gracie received not one, but two, incident reports! It seems she and another friend were fighting over a toy so Grace decided to bite her...then bite her again five minutes later!

The first time Grace bit I was devastated. As a parent, you feel just awful that your child is inflicting pain on others! After a lot of research and discussions with her teachers, I've realized that it's a very normal thing for toddlers and a way that they show frustration prior to speaking. Grace's teachers assure me that the majority of toddlers go through this, and I should not worry. That still doesn't make it feel any better when it happens.

So, our sweet little princess isn't always so sweet. Hopefully we won't receive any incident reports tomorrow...we will just take it one day at a time!


Elizabeth said...

Too funny! Andrew bit Ethan's nose yesterday and left a little teeth ring. Of course, it isn't nice but his nose looks hilarious:)

Keegan Brian Glynn said...

Not sure if I am going to let my sweet, innocent, cute, adorable, non-harmful child play w/ Grace anymore- we will have to take it one visit at a time and see how she does. Tell her to go bite her dogs and see how that tastes.